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Class SML


Simple Markup Language (SML) Files
This is a wrapper-class that may be used to work with *.config and *.sml files.
SML files provide the same semantics and functionality as JSON encoded files, are as easy to read and understand, but they stick with XML-style markup, which is widely used and understood by most people.
  • since: 2.8.5
  • access: public
  • name: SML
Method Summary
  • SML SML (string $filename, [int $case_sensitive = CASE_MIXED])
  • array decode (string $input, [int $case_sensitive = CASE_MIXED])
  • void encode (scalar|array|object $data, [string $name = null], [int $case_sensitive = CASE_MIXED], int $indent)
  • bool exists ([string $key = '*'])
  • mixed get ([string $key = "*"])
  • array getFile (array|string $input, [int $case_sensitive = CASE_MIXED])
  • string getFileContent ()
  • mixed getVar ([string $key = "*"])
  • mixed &getVarByReference ([string $key = "*"])
  • bool insert (array $array)
  • int length ([string $key = "*"])
  • mixed read ()
  • bool remove ([string $key = "*"])
  • void reset ()
  • bool set (array $array)
  • bool setVar (string $key, mixed $value)
  • bool setVarByReference (string $key, mixed &$value)
  • string toString ()

Direct descendents

Class Description
DbStructure database structure file


string $filename, [int $case_sensitive = CASE_MIXED]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$filename string
$case_sensitive int
Create a new instance of this class. This extends the super class constructor.
Note the additional parameter $case_sensitive. This parameter decides on how to return key names.
It's value can be one of the following constants:
  • CASE_UPPER upper-case all keys
  • CASE_LOWER lower-case all keys
  • CASE_MIXED leave keys in mixed case
Read variables from an encoded string
array decode (
string $input, [int $case_sensitive = CASE_MIXED]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$input string
$case_sensitive int
This function is pretty much the same as SML::getFile() except for the fact that it is working on strings rather than files.
Returns NULL on error.
The argument $input has to be a string, that has been encoded using SML::encode().
The argument $case_sensitive can be used to decide how keys should be treated.
Valid values for $case_sensitive are:
  • CASE_UPPER upper-case all keys
  • CASE_LOWER lower-case all keys
  • CASE_MIXED leave keys in mixed case
Note: to reaccess an encoded value look at the following examples.
Handling boolean values:
  1.  $input_bool true;
  2.  $encoded SML::encode($input_bool'MY_VAR');
  3.  $decoded SML::decode($encoded);
  4.  // the following returns true
  5.  $input_bool === $decoded['MY_VAR'];
... or shorter:
  1.  $input_bool true
  2.  // the following returns true
  3.  $input_bool === array_pop(SML::decode(SML::encode($input_bool)));
Handling string values and nummerics:
  1.  $input_string 'foo';
  2.  // the following returns true
  3.  $input_string === array_pop(SML::decode(SML::encode($input_string)));
  5.  $input_int 123;
  6.  // the following returns true
  7.  $input_int == array_pop(SML::decode(SML::encode($input_int)));
Handling the 'NULL' value:
  1.  $input_null null;
  2.  // the following returns true
  3.  is_nullarray_pop(SML::decode(SML::encode($input_string))) );
Arrays (were key case does matter):
  1.  $input_array array(1,2,3,array(4,5),'a'=>6,'B'=>7);
  2.  $output_array SML::decode(SML::encode($input_array));
  3.  // the following returns true
  4.  $input_array == $output_array;
When dealing with nummeric arrays, or associative arrays where all keys should be uppercase, or if you just don't care, you may set the $case_sensitive parameter to CASE_UPPER.
  1.  $input_array array(1,2,3,array(4,5),'A'=>6,'B'=>7);
  2.  $output_array SML::decode(SML::encode($input_array,null,CASE_UPPER),CASE_UPPER);
  3.  // the following returns true
  4.  $input_array == $output_array;
The obvious advantage of doing so is: you can rely on the writing of keys with no need to care for case-sensitivity.
Create a SML string from a scalar variable, an object, or an array of data.
void encode (
scalar|array|object $data, [string $name = null], [int $case_sensitive = CASE_MIXED], int $indent
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$data scalar|array|object data to encode
$name string name of root-tag
$case_sensitive int one of: CASE_UPPER, CASE_LOWER, CASE_MIXED
$indent int internal value (ignore)
The argument $name can be used to specify the name of the root node. If $name is omitted, no root node is created.
Note that this function will issue an E_USER_NOTICE if $name is omitted and $data is a scalar value. In this case the scalar variable will be named '0' by default.
The argument $case_sensitive can be used to decide how keys should be treated.
Note that any tags from string inputs will be stripped. You should convert tags to entities, before submiting the input.
Valid values for $case_sensitive are:
  • CASE_UPPER upper-case all keys
  • CASE_LOWER lower-case all keys
  • CASE_MIXED leave keys in mixed case
test if a certain value exists
bool exists (
[string $key = '*']
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$key string (optional)
This function has two synopsis:
1st: if parameter $key is provided.
  • returns bool(true) if the file exists, is loaded and the variable identified by $key is set
  • returns bool(false) otherwise.
2nd: if parameter $key is missing, == '' or the wildcard '*'.
  • returns bool(true) if the file exists and is loaded
  • returns bool(false) otherwise.
  • access: public
  • name: SML::exists()

Redefinition of: FileSystemResource::exists()

get a value from the file
mixed get (
[string $key = "*"]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$key string address of the var to get (use wildcard '*' to get all)
Returns the value at the position specified by $key. If key is the character '*' or empty, than the whole document is returned.
Example: use "foo1.foo2" to get the contents of the "foo2" child tag inside the "foo1" root tag. Or, more technical speaking, to get the "foo2" element of the "foo1" array.
  • access: public
  • name: SML::get()

Redefinition of: FileReadonly::get()

Read a file in SML syntax and return its contents
array getFile (
array|string $input, [int $case_sensitive = CASE_MIXED]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$input array|string filename or file content
The argument $input can wether be a filename or a numeric array of strings created by file($filename).
The argument $case_sensitive can be used to decide how keys should be treated.
Valid values for $case_sensitive are:
  • CASE_UPPER upper-case all keys
  • CASE_LOWER lower-case all keys
  • CASE_MIXED leave keys in mixed case
return file contents as string
string getFileContent ()
  • access: public

Redefinition of: FileReadonly::getFileContent()

Alias of SML->get(string $key)
mixed getVar (
[string $key = "*"]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$key string address of the var to get (use wildcard '*' to get all)
Get a value from the file.
Alias of SML->getByReference(string $key)
mixed &getVarByReference (
[string $key = "*"]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$key string address of the var to get (use wildcard '*' to get all)
Returns the value at the position specified by $key. The value is returned by reference.
insert an array into the file
bool insert (
array $array
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$array array
This merges the current file content with the provided array. New values will replace old ones.
Returns bool(true) on success and bool(false) on error.
Since version 2.9 this function has two synopsis:
  1. SML->insert(array $content)
  2. SML->insert(string $key, mixed $value)
The first one merges the current content with the new content, by merging both arrays. Existing elements in the old array get replaced by new ones.
The second sets a new value at the address provided in $key to $value. If the key already exists, it's value gets updated. As an alternative, if you like to be more accurate, you may choose to use SML->setVar(), which offers only the second synopsis.
  • access: public
  • name: SML::insert()

Redefinition of: File::insert()

get the number of elements
int length (
[string $key = "*"]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$key string (optional)
This returns how many elements can be found inside the array at position $key. If $key points to a non-existing value, or an empty array, the function returns 0.
  • access: public
  • name: SML::length()

Redefinition of: File::length()

initialize file contents
mixed read ()
You should always call this before anything else. Returns the file content on success and bool(false) on error.
  • access: public
  • name: SML::read()

Redefinition of: FileReadonly::read()

Redefined in descendants as:
remove an entry from the file
bool remove (
[string $key = "*"]
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$key string (optional)
  • access: public
  • name: SML::remove()

Redefinition of: File::remove()

reset the file
void reset ()
Changes to the file will not be safed unless you explicitely call $configFile->write(). So if you want or need to revert your changes just call $configFile->reset() and all will be fine.
  • access: public
  • name: SML::reset()

Redefinition of: FileReadonly::reset()

set the content of the file
bool set (
array $array
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$array array new file content
Replaces the file content with the provided array.
Returns bool(true) on success and bool(false) on error.
  • access: public
  • name: SML::set()
Alias of SML->insert(string $key, mixed $value)
bool setVar (
string $key, mixed $value
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$key string adress of old data
$value mixed new data
Create or update new key / value pair.
Set var by reference
bool setVarByReference (
string $key, mixed &$value
List of parameters:
Name Type Description
$key string adress of old data
&$value mixed new data
Create or update new key / value pair by reference.
get a string representation
string toString ()
  • access: public
  • name: SML::toString()

Redefinition of: FileReadonly::toString()

inherited from base classes

Inherited From File

Inherited From FileReadonly

Inherited From FileSystemResource

Inherited From Object

Documentation generated on Sat, 03 Jan 2009 22:22:34 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.0

yana author: Thomas MeyerHomepage: www.yanaframework.net